"How can I travel like everyone else?"
Have you always wanted to visit the Eiffel Tower?
Have you created bucket lists and daydreamed about the beaches of Thailand or chowing down on a bowl of pasta in Italy?
Have you had visions about “leaving on a jet plane” and never coming back again?
But, along with these thoughts, have you also found yourself saying, “One day” or “Maybe, when I win the lottery” or even, “When I’m retired.”?
Do you scroll through Instagram and Facebook wondering why you are not that lucky, telling yourself that these people must have something that you don’t have?
You know deep down (or, maybe it’s closer to the surface) that you want to be doing what it seems like so many young people are able to do today. You just have no idea how to get there. You wish a magic genie could just snap their fingers, and you’d be living that life.
Money is an issue.
Work is an issue.
Family is an issue.
Society is an issue.
Life just gets in the way and you’re not sure how you can ever break out of your comfortable - yet, dead-end - routine, to do something adventurous.
If this is you, Strait Up Travel is here to help. We’ve led countless people just like you to find the idea of traveling just a little more accessible. Then, when they’re ready to make the plunge, we’ve made it possible.

Let’s start making your travel dreams into a reality, today.
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What is Strait Up Travel?
At Strait Up Travel, we help ordinary individuals achieve extraordinary things.
We believe that (almost) everyone has the ability to travel.
Whether it’s taking that one trip you’ve always dreamed of, making the decision to travel long-term, or finding work in another country, a lot of these things are easier than they sound.
But, we strive to change this.
Life is too short to daydream and not take action.
We want to create a world where people can get the support and the push they need to make travel happen.
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Strait Up Travel Book
If you're wondering...
How to travel, but you don't know where to start.
What your travel goals really are.
How to work or live abroad
What's standing in your way.
How to save money to travel.
How to overcome fears.
How to start planning your getaway.
Then, this book is for you!